Zaharchenko Tanya

Junior Front-End Developer


Contact information

  • Contact phone: 89276026626
  • Adress: Russia, Samara
  • Email:
  • Discord: zaharchenko-tanya#8262


  • HTML/CSS Basics/CSS Flex/CSS Grid
  • Figma (for webdevelopment)
  • Markdown
  • VS Code
  • JavaScript
  • Git Basics

About me

I am a Junior Front End Developer. I like to study and learn something new. My hobbies are listen to music and snowboarding. If briefly about me, then it is interesting for me to look for information in order to solve the task, so that in the end the project will come together bit by bit.


Education: 2010 - 2015 Federal State Budgetary Institution of Higher Education «Samara State University of Economics» - Logistics specialist


  • English(A2)
  • Russian(native)


  • JS / Front-end. Stage 0
  • JavaScript/Front-end 2022Q1 (in progress)
  • JS/FE Pre-School 2022Q2 (in progress)*


  • Portfolio
  • Memory-card-game
  • Image-galery
  • Eco-sounds
  • Shelter
  • Virtual Keyboard
  • CSS Mem Slider

Code example

 _currentKeyLayout(shiftPressed) {
     if (this.language == "en") {
         return shiftPressed ? this.shiftKeyLayout : this.keyLayout
    if (this.language == "ru") {
         return shiftPressed ? this.ru_shiftKeyLayout : this.ru_keyLayout